Constitution and By Laws

Each year, we start out by reminding Units, Districts and Divisions to update your governing documents. To start- has your Units’ been done? If not, why not? The template has been designed and readily available. Same thing for the Districts and Divisions.

This is no longer a daunting task. There is a new template and all you have to do is fill in the blanks. If you are thinking “why update, we may have changes again soon”, they can be revised again.

Unit, District, and Divison Presidents: please have your Constitution and Bylaws chairman encourage this to be done.  A short reminder in your local newsletters or at your meetings would be most helpful.

If you are looking for the support, please reach out to the committee: Pat Kranzow, Connie Boxleitner, or Ann Flanagan.

Ann Flanagan  |  | 618-304-4151

Resources from National

  • How to Write a Resolution
  • How to Write a Standing Rule
  • National Constitution
  • Unit Guide Book
  • Log into the National Website to Access these Items: Click Here

Department Resources

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