Theme: “Building Our AEF Funds One Brick at a Time.”
All donations for this Program are forwarded to National. The National Organization, in turn, provides grant assistance including temporary emergency help to eligible members who have suffered a significant financial setback as a result of an act of nature or another personal crisis.
Grants Offered:
- Emergency Assistance Grants
- Disaster Assistance
- Hardship Assistance
Suzie Weiss | | 217-341-3728
Department Award
- ANN’S REPORTERS PLAQUE – to the District with the highest contribution to the fund by June 1. This total does NOT include Unit donations.
Personal Awards:
$10 To the Unit with the highest contribution by June 1.
$10 To the Division with the highest contribution by June 1.
Resources from National
- Auxiliary Emergency Fund Application
- Expeditated Auxiliary Emergency Fund Application
- Certificate of Appreciation
- Log into the National Website to Access these Items: Click Here
Helpful Websites