National Security

Theme “Keeping Our National Security Strong is Our Foundation!”


As we build this year, we must start out with a good foundation of national defense. The American Legion Auxiliary National Security Program includes supporting not only our veterans but active-duty military members and their families as well. Our program supports and promotes a strong national defense by strengthening and supporting military servicemembers and their families.

Auxiliary members can work with the National Security Commission supported by The American Legion, Department of Illinois. The commission studies the needs of the United States in armament, personnel, and military affairs along with problems with foreign relations. Hopefully with suggestions and programs to help the cause or conquer the problems.

We in the Auxiliary can support these issues through involvement with:

  1. The disaster relief programs on the National and State levels.
  2. Collaborate with the Red Cross and other blood bank programs such as Impact Life.
  3. Start, join or maintain a “CERT” program for your local area.  “CERT” is the Community   Emergency Response Team and there are courses to train volunteers to be prepared in times of natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and blizzards, as well as during human-caused disasters.
  4. Supporting the military spouse not only on the “Military Spouse Appreciation Day” but every day. You can reach out and offer childcare or a “shoulder to lean on with an open ear”.
  5. Sending cards & letters or care packages to the deployed troops.
  6. We can bring awareness to the agencies working to bring home POW/MIA personnel. Visit the website for Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency
  7. Support your USO, Emergency Responders (law enforcement, fire fighters, EMS) and Blue Star and Gold Star families.
  8. “Be the One” suicide prevention program needs us to step in and help.
  9. TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors)

Linda Iberg  | | 618-973-3568

Department Awards

  • Firehouse Crew National Security Plaque – to the Unit for the best overall participation in the National Security program.
  • Service Member of the Year – a plaque for each winning service member of the year – one per branch of service.

Personal Awards

  • $10 to the Runner-up of the Firehouse Crew National Security plaque.
  • $10 to the Unit with the Best CERT program report.
  • $10 to the Unit that donates the most to the USO

Salute to Service Member of the Year

  • Established in 2003, this award has evolved from honoring women veterans to honoring active-duty women, to honoring all enlisted personnel who are currently serving our country in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force and the National Guard/Reserve.
  • One enlisted service member from each branch of service as well as the National Guard/Reserve will be recognized at the American Legion Auxiliary National Convention. Recipients will attend the National Convention as guests of the Auxiliary. It must go through the Department of Illinois National Security Chairman no later than May 15, 2025

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Resources from National

  • How to Plan POW/MIA Ceremony
  • National Security Facebook Group
  • How to Train for FEMA’s Community Response Teams
  • ALA Military Family Readiness Action Guide and Related Downloads
  • Log into the National Website to Access these Items: Click Here

Department Resources

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