Remebering our heroes' sacrifice always.


As we reflect on their sacrifice, we recognize the profound commitment and bravery that these individuals demonstrated in defense of our freedoms. Their selflessness and dedication leave an indelible mark on the fabric of our nation, serving as a poignant reminder of the cost of liberty. Through ceremonies, memorials, and acts of remembrance, we express gratitude for their service and ensure that their memory endures in the hearts of a grateful nation.


John Benson Tanner, US Army, was killed on March 6, 1945 by a land mine in Germany. The war in Europe ended 3 months after his death. One of 4 sons who served, - 2 came home and 2 were killed in WWII.

JB was feature in a PBS Documentary "In Search of Elizabeth's Soldiers." Elizatbeh Black sketched portraits of hundreds of military personal during the war and sent the portraits to families back home.

Added to wall by Daugher Lucretia (Chris) Sendelbach, Unit 323, DIstrict 16, 3rd Division.

Gary Wayne Price, US Army, Died May 6, 1967

US Army Private First Class Gary Wayne Price, a 1966 graduate of Gillespie High School was just 19 and a month into his tour when he was killed in Vietnam.

In May of 2017, the Illinois Senate unanimously approved Senate Joint Resolution 32 designating a section of Illinois 16 from Stagecoach Road to Gillespie as the PFC Gary Wayne Price Memorial Highway.

Added to wall by sister Judy Schwallenstecker, Bunker Hill Unit 578, District 21, 4th Division.


 Pfc Kenneth Wayne Boaz, US Army, Died  April 8, 1967

In August of 1966 Kenny left for basic training at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, then further training at Fort Polk, Louisiana. In February of 1967 he received his orders for Vietnam. He was in country for 8 days when he was wounded and the next day he was KIA on April, 8, 1967 in Hua Nghia Province. He died as a result of metal fragment wounds. He was on a combat mission when hit by fragments from a booby trap. He was 19 years old.

Our daughter was only 3 months old. More than fifty years later when friends and family talk about him it is with a smile on their face and love in their voices. He was friends with everyone he met. I have talked with guys he went to basic training with. They remember him as dedicated, fun loving and proud to serve his country. I remember him as someone who not only loved his family, friends and country but who also had huge plans for the rest of our lives. Please never forget our fallen or our Veterans.

Added by Wife Patricia Boaz Kotowski
Ottawa Unit 33, District 12, 2nd Division

Maurice Francis Ellis, US Army, Died August 3, 1944 (France)

Maurice farmed and lived on a farm south of Penfield, IL.  He was born on Sept. 27, 1923 and was killed August 3, 1944.  Killed in action in France during World War II.  He is buried St. James, France US Military Cemetery Plot D Row 15 Grave 7.

His mother, Helen, sent money for the upkeep of grave and she did travel to France and saw his grave before she died.

Added to the wall by Julia Ellis, Lexie Wilken, and Brenda Wilken, District 19, 4th Division.

Pfc Delbert Ray Porter, US Army, Died January 15, 1971

His tour began on Sep 20, 1970
Casualty was on Jan 15, 1971

Delbert was killed in Viet Nam. I was told his outfit had to gather at some bleachers for a briefing by commanding officers, the Viet Cong had placed explosives on the bleachers, when all the troops gathered at the the bleachers the Viet Cong detonated the explosives killing most everyone there including Delbert.

Delbert was 21 years young when he was tragically killed, he left behind his mother Kathryn and father Herschel, who was most commonly known as Rusty or Red because of his red head, he left behind a brother and 2 sisters as well. He also left behind a daughter who was not born until April.

Before his time in the Army, he attended ITT tech school in Indianapolis. He liked to ride his motorbike.

There are many unanswered questions that weigh heavy on the heart because of Vietnam. He was young and had a whole life yet to live. 

Added to wall by Daughter April Parkhurst, Sister J. Darlene Barnick, granddaughters Brittina Pankhurst, Patricia Pearce, and Erin Vaupel, Great Granddaughters Anna and Zoey Pearce.

Ronald J. Tebbe, US Army, died July 11, 1968.

Growing up Ronnie was the only boy with 7 sisters.  He was the 3rd oldest child. In his early teens he loved to hunt, fish, and work for farmers.  In his mid-teens, he worked on motors, especially cars and just hang out with his buddies, usually roaming timbers.

He had many pets. You never knew what kind of animal he would bring home to raise. He had a dog, Speedy, for many years. There was always some kind of pen in the back yard with pigeons, chickens, or rabbits. He even tried ground hogs at one time.  Ronnie took the 3 youngest girls, Martha, Arlene, and Julie, trick or treating several time to all his friends. Sometimes he carried Martha on his back as she was too little to keep up with him. It was a long night to us three, but we came home with 3 Big brown grocery nags full of candy he helped us eat.

Added to wall by Sisters Arlene Holtgrave, Rita Diekmann, Marilyn Bruggemann, Julia Tebbe, and Martha Ribbing, Timmermann-Benhoff Unit, District 23, 5th Division. 

Joshua William Harris, Arny National Guard, Died September 17, 2008.

Joshua didn't want to see anyone sad, would give you the shirt off his back, always had a smile on his face, and a very strong faith as well.

Joshua was assigned to the 2nd Battalion 122nd Field Artillery, Illinois National Guard, Robbins, IL.

It was a lifelong dream of Joshua to serve in the military and he enlisted with the National Guard while he was still in high school.

He was a member of a Boy Scout Drum and Bugke Corps. and continued in the Military often playing taps on the bugle at the funerals of fallen comrades.

Added to the wall by Mother Mille Harris Hickey and Sister Valerie Harris, Lockport Unit 18, District 11, 2nd Division.


Andrew N. Meari, US Army, Died November 1, 2010

Pfc Andrew was killed in action in Afghanistan on November 1, 2010.

Added to the wall by mother Denise Williams, Plainfield Unit 13, District 11, 2nd Division.


John H. Berg, US Army, Died October 10, 2003

In John's youth he grew to love music.  Thanks to his mom, he played the piano and guitar, but his favorite was the violin.  John even studied the violin.  He thought of playing in an orchestra one day.

That all stopped after a brain injury on April 7, 1968 which caused paralysis to his left side.  His right arm did it all.  From tying his shoes, ties, and learning to play the piano again with only his right hand.  He was very good. 

Added to the wall by wife Lynn Berg, Rockford Lt. Robert C.A. Carlson Unit 1207, District 12, 2nd Division


Captain Travis L. Patriquin, US Army, Died December 6, 2006.

Travis is the subject of the 2011 biography entitled A Soldier's Dream
by William Doyle.

The book jacket reads: For six months in 2006, a charismatic young U.S. Army captain and Arab linguist named Travis Patriquin unleashed a diplomatic and cultural charm offensive upon the Sunni Arab sheiks of Anbar province, the heart of darkness of the Iraqi insurgency. He galvanized American support for the “Sunni Awakening,” the tribal revolt against Al Qaeda that spread through the province and eventually across Iraq, a turning point that led to dramatically lower levels of violence in the country.
The Awakening may not have succeeded without Patriquin, who was so beloved by Iraqis that they adopted him into their tribes and loved him as a brother. This is the true story of a man who loved Iraq, and a soldier who helped engineer the turning point of the Iraq War.

Added to wall by Father Gary, Mother Connie, Daughter Emily, and Sister Karrie Zamora - Lockport Unit 18, District 11, 2nd Division

Thomas (TJ) Jaros, US Marines.

Ton (TJ) was a US Marine Sgt. Vietnam Veteran and received 6 medals.  Upon returning home, he joined and was a current commander (at the time of his passing) of American Legion Post 18 in his hometown of Lockport, IL.  He was also a former member of VFW #5788. Tom was also Northern Director of Pony Baseball, Coach, Manager, and League President of Lockport Merchants and Palomino Baseball for about 18 years, Lockport Boys Baseball Umpire and Basketball Official.  He wanted to help teenage boys have something to do in summer.

He was a proud father and a great husband with a favorite saying of " I did it my way."  He was my hero.

Added by Wife Laverne M. Jaros, Lockport Unit 18, District 11, 2nd Division


Doyle Hall Parson, US Navy, Died December 30, 1969

Boatswain Mate Chief Doyle Hall Parson  was born October 11, 1932 in Hickman, Nebraska.  He belonged to the American Legion.  He had received 13 medals of honor, including 2  purple hearts and 3 other medals for actions in Vietnam.  A veteran of 15 years of service with 3rd tour in Vietnam. Recommended for Bronze Star priot to his death.

Added to wall by Wife Arlene Lolley, Mundelein Unit 867, District 10, 2nd Division


Joseph Whiting Dimock II, US Army, Died July 10, 2010

Added to wall by Mother Ellen Dimcok, Mundelein Unit 867, District 10, 2nd Division

Seth Aaron Sanders, US Army, Died September 27, 2009.

Seth was 19 when he joined the National Guard in September 2006 and was attached to 171st Sapper Unit, Ft. Leonardwood, MO. which deployed to Baghdad for 15 months.

Seth was a Communications Specialist 25U who loved history and was an amazing writer.  This amazing young man was taking courses overseas and looked forward to being a teacher when he finished college.

Added to the wall by Parents Greg and Maureen Sander, Benton Unit 280, District 25, 5th Division


Charles T. Heinemeir, US Marines, Died August 21, 1969.

Technician Fourth Grade Alfred M. Durnil, US Army,  Died January 23, 1945

Alfred M Durnil was the oldest of 3 brothers who served in World War II.  Alfred fought the Jananese all the way from New Guinea to Luzon before falling to a sniper's bullet. 

Middle brother Pfc. Glen Durnil was wounded in action and captured by the Nazi's on the same day - December 16th.  He spent 107 days in the prison camp at Bad Orb, Germany.

Youngest brother Private Lawrence N. Durnil was wounded in action in Italy on February 20, 1944 and again in early June 1944. 

Added to wall by sister Doris Schmidt, Champaign Unit 24, District 19, 4th Division

Patrick Brendan Keane, Marine, Died February 26, 1967

Patrick died from gun small arm fire (sniper) just after he had turned 21. 

Added to wall by sister Kathleen D. Bauer, Lockport Unit 18, District 11, Division 2